Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Getting Engaged - Where do you start?

Kermo had a couple of good questions, which I think merit some further discussion.
Given the sheer volume of choices and compromises which have some kind of social impact, what would you say are the most important ones? If you had to choose just a handful of socially responsible behaviours, what would they be?
How do we pick our battles? Some people appear to do it all - conserve water/electricity, wear hemp, eat local vegan fare, cycle, live communally and so on. While these are all laudable actions, too often their zeal intimidates mainstream citizens who feel they can't do it all and don't want to go through life feeling guilty. When people disengage completely, it unfortunately means that the contributions of these few social champions (for all their good work), can be entirely obliterated by the over-consuming, over-using, over-driving citizens who take daily baths in their jacuzzi tubs, eat exotic foods out of disposable packages, disinfect everything chemically and purchase their plentiful luxury goods from corporations that are known to have labour and environmental problems. Some of these individuals are just selfish, short-sighted people who live for today and don't care what's left for future generations. I'd like to think that these sorts are in the lonely minority, and that many of us just don't know why or how they should care and already feel like they have enough to worry about.

So how can we start? In the words of my oft-insightful husband, where is your passion? What matters to you? Is it that you want your children to be able to swim in the Great Lakes? Are you a union member dealing with an autocratic management? Have you been through rough financial times that left you dependent on food banks, such that you are more aware of the urban poor? Or was it international travels that has left you with a lingering longing to help your global neighbour?

My very strong recommendation would be to sit down with the beverage of your choice and think - what matters to you most? What bothers you the most? It may be turning to winter now, but hopefully the dandelions on your front lawn and laundry hanging out back will no longer be eyesores, but welcome signs of spring. If not, perhaps this can be your first step. If you're already happily air drying, then perhaps it's time to take a look at your kitchen and figure out some ways to improve the sourcing of your edibles. Or maybe it's time to look at local charities and get involved a bit at a time. But just a bit for now if that's all you can manage. Take a deep breath. It's going to be okay. You can do this.

I'm interested to know what small change you're willing to make. I realise that this is still early on, and that you're all busy people (and I really have no stats on readership), but I welcome your comments however brief.

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